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Health Forum

Asked for Female, 51 years

Asking for a relative he has gone through angioplasty 4 mth ago drs are giving cholestrol reducing drugs his latest cholestrol has been 103 isnt this a bit low did this require a doseage adjustment ? age 45

Asked for Male, 48 years

I feel numbness in different part of body, even in head, please do the needful. What should be problem

Asked for Female, 31 years

My wisdom tooth is coming from gums and it was hurting in the start but now I can't fully open my mouth. Shall I take any medicine to reduce the pain? And my mouth is not opening fully is that normal?

Asked for Male, 60 years

My father is having a Prostrate Gland Problem and sometimes having difficulty with urination. Some Doctors have recommended Operation to him. My Question is is there any way other than an operation to treat this problem? as my father is a little bit reluctant to go for an operation. Any Recommendation for Specialist in this field will be helpful.

Asked for Male, 32 years

Okay so I had a sever ankle sprain back in July. I wasn't able to stand that day and put my weight on it, walking was painful for few of the following days. Didn't took it seriously just took rest for few days and pain killers thats all. There is/was no swelling. Now the problem is pain is not going away, I still have pain at certain angles or movements. Where should I head for a check-up now?

Asked for Male, 40 years

My husband has been complaining of extreme pain when talking on the phone only. He describes it as a sharp pain that goes from his ear through his brain. This started with cell phone use and now it is with the use of any phone (cell or land line). Does anyone have any idea what this could be? Question

Asked for Male, 7 years

I had my son on 8 oct. After 1 week he developed jaundice and his levels peaked to 20. Was given photo therapy 2 days and level were brought down to 11.3. After stopping the treatment another test was conducted after 14 hours and level were 11.5. Now its 10 days since his treatment. But he still has yellow skin. Shoulde I have test again or how long does it takes to skin completely cleared up. All other test reports normal.

Asked for Female, 52 years

My mother 46 years old is taking treatment for her Pulmonary Sarcoidosis stage two. I want to ask you about guidelines to take and natural remedy that you can suggest?

Asked for Female, 63 years

My mom is 57 with type 2 diabetes and is on 4 different medications for her blood sugar and it is still always high. She currently consumes 10-15 pounds of sugar per month through the sweet tea she makes and drinks constantly. What will this do to her body and what effects does it have on her?? I really want to understand this so I can give her more information.

Asked for Male, 41 years

For last two days I am having gonial angle pain. If I am not wrong medical term of it is 'TMJ Disorder or Mimic Ernest Syndrome'. Any idea what are the real causes and the best way to cure it.

Asked for Male, 9 years

My child, 3 and half years old, had a blister at the end of his mouth. He is having trouble swallowing food too. Any remedy you can suggest?

Asked for Female, 40 years

Last year my TSH value is 7.0, after that, I take thyroxin for 2 months so my TSH value comes to 2.3 UI/ml so doctor stop thyroxin, I neglected the neck size that time my neck size increased from 15 to 16... I am a part-time teacher also, so when I teach my throat gets tired by speaking too much. What to do now?

Asked for Male, 27 years

Hey sir my brother age 22 have a problem of cyclic vomiting syndrome .what will be the permenant treatment of this disease.he is suffring from many years .all his lab ct etc are clear but he vomit alot

Asked for Female, 20 years

What should i use to remove pimples as well as their marks.I already have used alot of products but their result is not even satisfactory.Now i hope you would suggest me a product that will be good for my skin as my skin is oily. And yes one thing more what i should be using for the open pores on my face?

Asked for Male, 55 years

I noticed floating stools for 2 months. Consistency is solid with somewhat limited quantity and I have constipation 70% of the time. It is soft, but not loose. My stomach is quite noisy right after eating or drinking. I have no weight loss or pain.I eat low-carb most of the time. I recently had a checkup. My doctor said this is usually caused by excess gas and did not give it a second thought. Should I ask for more tests? My father died at 52 from pancreatic cancer. Can it be related?

Asked for Female, 11 years

My daughter 5-year-old, has been suffering from tonsils and pain in the throat for a while.I tried both homeopathic and allopathic medicine but she didn't get much better from them. I am much worried about her health. Please suggest.

Asked for Male, 48 years

I am losing all my weight. I don't feel like eating and have low appetite. Now my ribs and backbone are starting to show. I feel tired 24/7. I don't do anything but still feel very weak and tired. It's hard to get out of bed. And I have no fixed sleep timing. Mostly I fall asleep when it's time to eat and end up missing meals. I have always been pale but now I literally have golden yellow complexion. What to do?

Asked for Male, 29 years

No, I am not having constipation. Thus I was feeling hard stool from last 2 days so I took ispaghol which provides me much relief. Now my stool is quite normal. No, it doesn't feel me that something is left in my bowel after passing stool. I pass stool normally 1 to 2 time in a day not more than it. But I am feeling uncomfortable due to this rectum problem. I am feeling it more while walking or doing any work that something is coming out. While sitting I am just feeling uncomfortable.

Asked for Female, 25 years

My height is 5 feet and 6 inches, and my weight is 160. For the past month, I have been experiencing weight loss, increased hunger, increased thirst, and frequently need to go to the bathroom to pee out large amounts. My skin has become dry. I have also lost quite a bit of weight. I experience moodiness and I am often tired despite a good night's sleep. I brought these up with my doctor but she ignored saying it was nothing. What could be causing these symptoms?

Asked for Male, 28 years

I am suffering from Stomach Issues (Acid Reflux, Heartburn) from almost a month. I am taking medicine and feeling 20-30% better now. But from last couple of days, I am feeling often sudden hot flashes in different areas on body (most commonly on back, chest and belly). What would be the possible reasons?

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