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Breathing Problem

Asked for Female, 34 years

I do smoke but am not a chain smoker. My office is on the third floor so I have to climb a flight of stairs and felt breathless upon reaching office. Now I feel more out of breath and noticed my fingernails turning blue. What should I do?

Responses (1)
Dr. Beenish Ehsan
General Physician - Karachi

Dear Patient,

Blue extremities- fingertip, nose, ears etc- mean lack of oxygenated blood reaching them. You should consider seeing a pulmonologist for a general review and consider quitting cigarettes. Your low oxygenation may or may not be the cause of smoking but is definitely worsened by being a smoker. Consider adopting s healthier lifestyle with regular walks for the 10-15 mins minimum, 16 glasses of water per day and a good serving of fruits and vegetables daily. Read about 'Raynaud's phenomenon'.

For further help, we advise booking an appointment with the best pulmonologist in Karachi and seek a piece of in-person advice at https://oladoc.com/pakistan/karachi/pulmonologist

You can seek further professional help from the below recommended Specialists:

Dr.Syed Zafaryab Hussain
Dr.Naseem Ahmed
Pulmonologist, Asthma Specialist
Dr.Mateen Ahmed Khan
General Physician, Pulmonologist
Dr.Waqas Rasheed
Pulmonologist, Critical Care Physician, Consultant Physician, Asthma Specialist

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