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Avoid These 7 Foods During Sehar

1 min read

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It is important to eat right during Sehar if you want to spend a good fast day ahead. Nutritionists say that an unbalanced diet can cause dipping sugar levels and excessive thirst. Moreover, it can cause crankiness and bloating. Throughout the month if you eat wrong, you can put excessive stress on the body. So, read on to find what foods to avoid during sehar:

1-Refined carbohydrates:

Refined carbs like sugary desserts, pastries and white bread are all foods to avoid during sehar. They are digested quickly and cause a sugar high. Because they instantly increase the blood sugar, followed by a crash, they are not a good source of food to maintain energy throughout the day. Moreover, digestion and metabolism of refined carbs requires water, and thus they cause thirst.

2-Caffeinated beverages:

Caffeine is a diuretic—which means that it causes increased urination. Drinking caffeine at suhoor leads to water depletion and excessive thirst throughout the day. Moreover, it can also lead to restlessness. To feel hydrated and to prevent thirst during the fasting time, avoid caffeine. If you have to have caffeine to wake up, then be sure to also drink plenty of water at suhoor.

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3-Deep fried food:

Foods that are deep fried will cause indigestion and heartburn, if eaten at suhoor. They are also heavy on the stomach and do not provide sustained release energy for the rest of the day. Fried food does not cover the nutritional needs of the body, and can lead to nausea and headaches throughout the fast.

4-Salty food:

Salty food will cause bloating and excessive urination. As such, it will also increase thirst, and cause dehydration. Salty food, especially in our hot weather is a big no during Ramazan. Foods that have high salt content includes—pickles, chips, salted nuts etc.

5-Fruit juices:

Unlike whole fruit, fruit juices are not rich in fibre that the whole fruit has. Fruit juice is also rich in sugar, as more fruit is used to make the juice. This sugar, although natural, will cause a blood sugar spike, followed by a crash that is not sufficient to maintain the level throughout the day. The sugar crash during fasting hours will cause hunger pangs, and crankiness, with nausea and headaches.

6-Carbonated drinks:

Carbonated drinks are made of empty calories that are rich in sugar. This sugar high is not sufficient to meet the energy needs of the body. Carbonated drinks like colas also contain caffeine, which acts as a diuretic and can cause excessive thirst throughout the day.

7-Spicy food:

Spicy food can seem delicious at the time, but if eaten at suhoor, it can lead to excessive thirst and heartburn throughout the day. It will not prevent blood sugar dips during the day as well.

Opt for healthy and nutritious food this Ramazan, instead of empty calories that will make fasting uncomfortable. If you need professional help to design a healthy suhoor and Iftaar menu for you then, book an appointment with top nutritionists in Faisalabad, Karachi and Rawalpindi through oladoc.com, or call our helpline at 042-3890-0939 for assistance to find the RIGHT professional for your concerns.

Disclaimer: The contents of this article are intended to raise awareness about common health issues and should not be viewed as sound medical advice for your specific condition. You should always consult with a licensed medical practitioner prior to following any suggestions outlined in this article or adopting any treatment protocol based on the contents of this article.

Ms. Sarah Farooqi
Ms. Sarah Farooqi - Author Ms. Sarah Farooqi is among the Best Nutritionists in Lahore. Sarah Farooqi is a leading Dietician at Shapes and Diet360. She worked as Nutritionist at Fatima Memorial Hospital previously

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