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The Different Stages of Oral Care in Children: From Baby Teeth to Permanent Smiles

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Usman Zaheer

5 min read

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Did you know your child’s teeth are as important as their adult teeth? Oral care can play a crucial role in your child’s overall health. It is essential to set up healthy oral habits at a young age and can set the tone for your child’s dental health for life. If you are aware of the different stages of oral care in children, it equips you to help your child develop good dental hygiene habits.

In this article, we will guide you through the processes of oral care in children, provide useful recommendations, and describe how to maintain the health of your child’s teeth and prevent cavities. This article also highlights the role of Sensodyne Pronamel toothpaste in the protection of the teeth of your child against any damage.

Stage 1: Infant Oral Care (0-6 Months)

Did you know that even before your baby’s teeth come out, oral care is already important? This stage serves as the foundation for life-long oral care.

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  • Before teeth appear: Before the first tooth comes out, it is vital to care for your child’s gums as they are the base for your child’s teeth development. Use a clean and damp cloth to clean your child’s teeth after you feed them. It removes bacteria and milk residue, which can cause oral infections.
  • Teething: Your baby’s teeth start growing typically within six months of their birth. It can make the baby fussy, and they may bite things due to gum irritation. To make it comfortable for them, massage their gums with a cold and clean finger. Teething rings can also help soothe your baby when they are teething.
  • Nutritional Tips: Breastmilk or formula, whatever you give your child, is the primary source of their nutrition but contains sugar. Leaving milk residue can lead to baby bottle tooth decay. Letting your baby sleep with a bottle of milk or juice can damage their oral health. You should clean your child’s gums after every feed and make a brushing routine once they start to grow teeth.

Stage 2: Baby’s First Teeth (6 Months – 3 Years)

By age three, most children have their full set of 20 primary teeth. One the teeth start growing, it is important for your child to start taking care of them. Milk teeth may fall off but they are vital to your child’s teeth development.

Start brushing when the first tooth appears:

Use a soft baby toothbrush and a small amount of fluoride toothpaste, like Sensodyne Pronamel. Its gentle formula is perfect for your little ones’ teeth and helps protect enamel from acids.

Brush twice a day:

Brushing your teeth in the morning and once before bed is crucial to your dental health. Your child should start developing this habit once they can take charge of it. You can make it a fun time for your child and let them learn about teeth care with positive reinforcement. 

Be mindful of teething pain:

If your baby is becoming fussy during teething, it is because teething can be a painful process. As babies are not able to communicate, crying may be their only reaction. Help your child in going through this phase by using teething rings or cool chew toys that can soothe the pain.

Nutrition and Oral Health:

What your child eats can impact their teeth and sugary snacks and drinks are their enemy. They can cause cavities and increase the wear and tear of their teeth. Avoid such foods or ensure that your child brushes thoroughly after eating such foods. You can opt for calcium-rich foods for your baby like yogurt, leafy greens, and cheese to support the development of their teeth.

Stage 3: Preschool Oral Care (3-6 Years)

By this stage, children start gaining independence, but they still need supervision when it comes to oral care. This period is crucial for preventing cavities and ensuring good brushing techniques. At this stage, proper dental care can help set a basic brushing schedule that helps eliminate cavity-causing bacteria.

Use fluoride toothpaste:

Choose a gentle, fluoride toothpaste and use a pea-sized amount. It can strengthen your child’s enamel and clear out any bacteria. As children start eating more solid foods, their teeth face new challenges from acids in fruit juices and other foods.

Supervise brushing and flossing:

During this age, your child still needs supervision to properly eliminate food stuck in their teeth with brushing and flossing. Ensure that they brush their teeth properly and twice a day.

Visit the dentist regularly:

Periodic visits to the dentist can be helpful in catching tooth decay in the early stages. As the teeth and gums are at a developmental stage, the dentist can identify any alignment issues. It also helps track the development of your child’s teeth.

Is your child a fan of sweets? Well, it is common at this age but is not a healthy practice. However, it’s crucial to encourage a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and dairy to make their teeth strong and lower the risk of oral diseases.

Stage 4: School-Age Kids (6-12 Years)

As your child grows older and enters school, they start losing their baby teeth and gaining permanent ones. This stage comes with new challenges, as their permanent teeth are more susceptible to plaque and cavities.

At this growing stage, the milk teeth start to fall out while the permanent teeth start to set in. This can be a tricky stage with new challenges as the new teeth are susceptible to damage from plaque and cavities. An oral care routine becomes even more essential at this stage considering that kids this age are fond of sugary foods and beverages.

Brushing twice a day:

By this age, your child should have a set oral care regimen in place. They should be brushing for at least two minutes twice daily. Use a toothpaste with a gentle formula, designed to protect their enamel, like Sensodyne Pronamel.

Floss daily:

As your child’s permanent teeth start growing, it becomes vital to start flossing their teeth. If food gets stuck in your child’s teeth, it can damage them. Flossing can protect them by reaching areas that brushing might not be able to. It also helps remove plaque from the gum line and promote dental health.

Orthodontics treatment:

Children may need orthodontic treatment, such as braces, at this age. These treatments can correct the alignment of your child’s teeth. A dentist may recommend them to ensure a brighter smile.

Nutritional Support:

At this stage, your kid may eat more processed foods that can be acidic and harmful to their teeth. Sensodyne Pronamel 6+ is specially formulated to help protect their teeth from these acids. Add foods rich in calcium, like cheese and milk, to their diet to help build strong bones and teeth. You should encourage your child to eat healthy foods and avoid sugary and acidic sweets, beverages, and other foods.  Sometimes it may be extremely hard, and that is where brushing comes in.

Stage 5: Tweens and Teens (13-18 Years)

Once your child reaches 13 years, they are likely to be more independent and may maintain their teeth themselves or with minimal supervision. Moreover, your child is also more prone to dental issues due to dietary changes and hormonal shifts. Many children also get braces during these years which need utmost care. If food gets stuck in your child’s braces, it can be hard to clean. Following the right care instructions can help protect their teeth.

Encourage regular brushing and flossing:

At this time, your child should be able to maintain a consistent oral care routine. They should be brushing twice a day and flossing every day. The dental that you have set up before this age comes to use, as maintaining oral health becomes important. You can start them on a regular toothpaste now but make sure they like it.

Braces care:

Your child may already have or get braces at this age. It can be challenging for your teen to keep teeth clean with braces as food tends to get stuck in them easily. You can buy your child special brushes to take care of their braces.

Mouthguards for sports:

Does your teenager love sports? Then, you should be aware of the dangers of sports injuries that can break your child’s teeth. Mouthguards can offer protection from any injuries and also prevent any damage from subconscious teeth grinding, however, you should consult a dentist for it.

Nutrition Tips:

Junk food is attractive for teens and they may snack on chips or candies that can damage their teeth. You should encourage them to make healthier choices and eat foods like nuts and vegetables to control their unhealthy food choices. Make sure they stay away from everyday habits that can destroy their teeth.

How Sensodyne Pronamel Helps Protect Your Child’s Teeth?

Sensodyne Pronamel 0-2, 3-5, and 6+ years have specific formulations to cater to the children of these ages. It helps protect your child’s enamel from acid erosion, which is a usual issue among teens and children. As children are more likely to consume sugary juices and acidic foods, they may face excessive teeth wear and tear. Pronamel is easily available in markets and can help clean your child’s teeth.


Helping your child develop strong oral hygiene habits at every stage of their development is crucial for a lifetime of healthy smiles. Start at an early age and help your baby clean gums and teeth with gentle toothpaste like Sensodyne Pronamel, to maintain healthy habits through their teenage and adult years.

If you are wondering about the Sensodyne toothpaste price in Pakistan, you can find it in local supermarkets, pharmacies, and online retailers at reasonable rates. Investing in quality toothpaste that protects enamel is one of the best steps you can take for your child’s long-term dental health. Moreover, dentist visits are crucial to determine the development of your child’s teeth.

Disclaimer: The contents of this article are intended to raise awareness about common health issues and should not be viewed as sound medical advice for your specific condition. You should always consult with a licensed medical practitioner prior to following any suggestions outlined in this article or adopting any treatment protocol based on the contents of this article.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Usman Zaheer
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Usman Zaheer - Author Assoc. Prof. Dr. Usman Zaheer is a top Dentist with 15 years of experience currently practicing at Sana Samin Dental Care, Lahore. You can call our helpline 04238900939 for more information.

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