Dr. Saleem Ahmed Rajput is a Cardiologist with 6 years of experience currently practicing at Medicare Cardiac & General Hospital, Karachi. You can call our helpline 02138140600 for more information.
Dr. Saleem Ahmed Rajput has over 6 years of experience in his field.
Dr. Saleem Ahmed Rajput has the following qualifications:
- Dip. Cardio (Dow)
Appointment Details
In order to book an appointment with Dr. Saleem Ahmed Rajput you can call 02138140600 or click the Book Appointment button.
Dr. Saleem Ahmed Rajput charges a fee of Rs. 2,000 for appointments.
Practice Locations
Dr. Saleem Ahmed Rajput is currently practicing at the following locations:
- Medicare Cardiac & General Hospital
- Days: M, Tu, W, Th
- Time: 09:00 PM - 10:30 PM