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Health Forum

Asked for Male, 29 years

I have pain in the ear from today afternoon. I do not have any liquid discharge from the ear, but the pain is increasing. At night, the pain is very intense. I can hear all voices clearly, but my ear is paining a lot. I. What is the reason behind this tremendous pain? Is it an emergency?

Asked for Male, 33 years

I have a bump in the throat. It is hard and not painful, and my mouth looks white, I looked on the internet and scared that it might be mouth cancer. Please Help. Other symptoms I had was pain in throat for couple days, but that gone away quickly with gargling. I also have reflux. My tonsils are operated. Currently, I am taking Omeprazole.

Asked for Female, 29 years

I have tonsillitis for last 5 years. four months back, my tonsils got swollen. Followed by that the right tonsil remains the same and the left got subsided. In these four months, I had few episodes of pain in my ear. Also the glands in my right side of neck got swollen. I had Zetro, Emycin,Amoxillin and Calamox but the swelling of the tonsil and the glands did not go down.What should I do to prevent it in future

Asked for Male, 31 years

I had flu-like symptoms last month, which lasted for about three days. And I just had flu-like symptoms again this month. It started three days ago, and it is not as severe as the first time. First time I had a fever, chills, headaches, pain and sore throat. The symptoms this month started with a sore throat, then I got a fever of 101 F, with headache and backpain. Please guide

Asked for Male, 29 years

I noticed light bleeding while brushing. I feel minor discomfort in the gums at the centre, top and back of the teeth. I brush my teeth twice a day regularly I do not have much pain. Can I apply anything externally on the gums to prevent bleeding?

Asked for Male, 31 years

I am having bad breath problem from last eight years and its still there after brushing. The dentist i went to did scaling and polishing and gave me a mouthwash but it did not work. Brushing two times a day did not make any effect on my bad breath. I am not able to talk with anyone. This unpleasant smell is not for some time, it is there the whole day. Please tell what to do

Asked for Male, 40 years

I am a bachelor in a separate city from my family so I eat out a lot and take junk food very frequently. I am suffering from acidity now. If I take spicy food I feel uneasiness in my stomach. Please suggest what to do

Asked for Female, 9 years

My baby girl is 3 years old and she was very healthy but suddenly her weight reduced she looks weak. She cries a lot without a reason. Mostly she takes cow milk in the feeder but I give her fruits as well. Her stool has different colour sometimes green or brown and smells really bad and she suffers with constipation but I haven’t seen any blood. She eats whatever I give her but still doesn’t gain weight. Please, Help me. Tell me what to do about it.

Asked for Male, 48 years

My husband travels to much because of his work and he constantly complains of backache and pain in the legs. It is really hard for him to sleep in our bed but he finds it better to sleep on the floor in our room. How can he be helped? His working hours don't permit him to reduce what little extra fat he has on his body. Kindly, help us out?

Asked for Male, 33 years

I am suffering from heartburn, chest pain, nausea, and breathlessness. I got done 2D echo, ECG, vitamins D levels, endoscopy, and blood tests. All the reports are normal.

Asked for Female, 62 years

My mother is patient of diabetes 2. She is having pain in her right shoulder from more than 3 weeks which spreads through her shoulder joint to shoulder blade, triceps and front and back tendons of armpit. On waking up in the morning, she also complains of having numbness and heaviness in her right arm and on the side on which she was sleeping. Normally after waking up, numbness and heaviness goes away but right arm and shoulder pain remains throughout the day as she continues her daily routine

Asked for Male, 15 years

I need your help. My nephew is 9 years old and a studies in 4th grade of Punjab School. He’s been acting weird ever since his new classes have started. He doesn’t want to join in and attend his classes. He demands to get his institute changed and doesn’t listen to any of us. He’s a really good student overall. He’s never have acted this way before and we are all very worried about it all.

Asked for Male, 37 years

I have a white mark on left side of my belly, it appeared like 4 years ago, and its size is constant. I don't know what it is, and how to cure it? Any help would be appreciated. I need to know if it would increase in size and the remedy to it?

Asked for Male, 25 years

I recently popped my hip while in gym. It really hurts and my parents won’t take me to a doctor saying applying ice is the only way. I have a competition coming up and I have started elevating and icing it but it’s still very tender. Is there anything else I can use to help prevent the popping and allow me to move without pain? Please help

Asked for Male, 35 years

Im experiencing problems related to my voice and throat. For the past few months, my voice has not been as deep as it has always been. If I try to lower it to how it was before, it takes a lot of effort. I am feeling like something is stuck in my throat around my Adam's apple. I had an upper endoscopy. Theysaid theres no problem of throat. My gastroenterologist diagnose GERD. After taking high doses of Omeprazole and Zantac I still have no relief. please suggest a solution

Asked for Male, 41 years

I have been getting a constant nausea for over a year along with abdomen, chest and back pain. The chest pain is sharp in the place of the heart. The back pain is in the the middle of my back, starting at my shoulder blades and ending near the center. The abdominal painis in middle torso . I feel bloated, and my lower abdomen is tender to touch. I had an upper endoscopy blood tests, urine test, gall bladder test, liver and kidney tests. All normal. Taking Zofran and Zantec

Asked for Male, 52 years

6 months ago I got sharp pain in the chest. My heart started beating fast and I had sweat a lot. Then I rushed to the doctor. They carried out ecg, echo, tmt and also blood tests and all turned out to be normal. The doctor that it was anxiety and acidity. Still now I have some chest pain and backache. I am really worried that I might get heart attack or I might have fat deposition in my heart.

Asked for Male, 35 years

I am suffering backbone pain Last 1.5 Year. Kindly guide me how to solve this issue? What can you recommend? What additions or things I should eliminate in my diet?

Asked for Female, 33 years

4 weeks back I started having severe itching everywhere and swelling on lips, eye, hands and under feet. Itching is continuous but swelling irregular. What could be the reason?

Asked for Male, 46 years

My uncle fell and got injured. Wound is stitched by a doctor, but there are blue circles below eyes. Can anyone tell me is this because of the wound? Is there a better remedy for it? Kindly, respond.

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