A girl who is unmarried had sore throat and severe dry cough 3 months back. Since 3 months, she is having only dry cough and it becomes severe mostly in morning and night. Whatever she eats, it turns into vomit (almost daily). Having weakness and 2-3 kg loss in weight. What could it be? What should be done and which doctor to consult?
My father has uric acid and high blood pressure problems. His weight is 70-80kg. His left foot swells badly and now he feels so much pain that even the pain killer does not work. He can't walk easily. Doctors kindly guide me what should he do in this situation? Should he opt for any medicine or should he consult any Diabetic specialist?
I am noticing that my heart rate is constantly rapid from past two weeks (100-110 bpm) at resting stage and once in a day, I’m experiencing shortness of breath too. I am hydrated and eating well too. What can be the possible reasons?
I have such thing in my right underarm I'm not sure what it is actually but it was from last one year I guess but it was not this much in size and was not even painful but from last 4-5 days it has changed it's size has increased and it is reddish sort off and painful too
I have a question: my BP stays 60/90 and I do absolutely fine in this. No dizziness nothing. But whenever its 110/74 I feel dizzy, nauseous, weak. As far as I know, 120 is normal then why do I feel unfit when its above 90?
These reddish spots have developed on my leg suddenly which are itchy. 2 of them are raised and pimple like while the others are flat and look like bruising. Kindly guide if this is serious and what treatment is necessary. Thanks!
My son is 18 month, his weight is 10 kg otherwise he is very healthy, active, playful, but he has low iron and low blood count, for last 2 month whenever he sleeps he sweats alot, and he will wake up crying. Please, guide me on what should I do.
Is is safe to have Glaxose D during the trimester of Pregnancy .? I am feeling very down and I have read that Glaxos proofs to be an energy drink
Does Diane 35 can lead to mood swings? Does it cause hormonal changes which can lead to unusual or out of nowhere crying and sadness? I sometimes I miss the tablet so does missing tablet makes hormones go crazy?
Its been a month. My throat is infected. I have taken ciproxin. Zetro, Leflox,(prescribed by Drs) but all in vain. It gets settled after but after 3 to five days it is again the same as before and with full body ache. What to do now?
I want to ask that I'm 10-weeks pregnant and throughout the day I had discharge 2-3 times. Sometimes its smelly and sometimes I feel itching afterward. The discharge is in white color. I want to ask is this normal?
Is it safe to apply Tibet Snow Cream on a 9.5 months old baby's face? His face rash has not cleared yet. Almost 2 months have been passed. Someone I know asked me that it's effective on a baby's skin. I am not okay in applying any local cream on my skin so how can I apply it on a baby's skin?
I need an opinion about my 10 year old daughter suffering from tonsils. one ENT specialist recommended operation but I'm very afraid to go through with this treatment. someone told me about homeo pathic treatment. kindly suggest good treatment for my child as she is having a headache every day because of tonsils.
What could be the reason behind developing galactorrhea 5-6 months after marriage even when one has never been pregnant? Hormone tests are all normal even prolactin. Periods are normal and on time every month. The person was given Dostinex 0.5mg half tab twice weekly. It worked to some extent but failed in suppressing it completely. The person was then prescribed brotin 2.5mg twice a day. What if brotin fails too in suppressing it? Can it be caused by any other factor other than prolactin?
I had a high cholesterol level for which I took a statin. When I eat beef or oily food I feel pain in my left shoulder, left arm and chest. I take rosuvastatin 10 mg after which I feel better. This pain also appears if I am tensed or angry. What should I do?
I took 12-month course for HCV. Now there are brown patches on my skin, especially in legs and arms. I am having high blood pressure and feel tired. Please help…
My kid 12 years old had so severe stomach pain that we have to take her to hospital. He was on a drip when he vomited two times. We are giving him a lgt meal and he is much better now Alhamdulillah. Is this problem something serious and Should I take some laboratory test? Also please tell which one?
I am male 57 years old. For about week and a half, I have a burning sensation when I pee and recently I saw blood also. Who should I seek and what tests do you recommend?
A few days back my mother had salad in evening. Later that night she got severe belly pain which went away after medication. Now she doesn't eat well and say she feel like vomiting after eating. Is there any suggestion to help her eat properly?
My baby has a cough along with sinus blockage. At night he has difficulty breathing. I am giving him zetro and rigix. Which is more effective Syrup Ventolin or Nebulizer as it is going for about a week and a half?