Assalam o alaikum.. I need to know what are the early red flags to identify an autistic child.. My one year old is very anti social. He start to cry every time when any person (outside the family) tries to pick him up or talk to him.. Also he gets irritated easily at a new place.. Does not respond when he's indulged in something he likes otherwise he reacts to his name quickly.. Does not play with his toys he just picks them up and throw them hard that's the only thing he likes..
I had my left portion of back head banged about 2 months ago and it was pretty impactful. Due to una...
For about a year, at least three times I month I get these random stabbing pains in my lower back. ...
Wondering what exactly this means in a version I could understand, what actions should be taken?...
One of my relative's female age 29 feels pain at where the spinal cord ends I mean near hips. Medica...
I have had a lower back injury while performing deadlifts, weight was a bit heavy so I guess I lost ...
My father age is 64 years. 3 years back he got micro vein rupture in head due to high blood pressure...