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Medicine Change

Asked for Female, 30 years

I usually get severe pain in legs and especially knees. During namaz, I feel very hard to stand up from sujood and get a crackling sound from my knees when I get up. I told about this issue to a general physician, he recommended me Surbex-T for a month with milk but I couldn't find surbex-T anywhere and got surbex-Z instead. I'm 25years old and have a 3yo child. Please tell me what could be the reason behind this and what is the substitute of surbex-T.

Responses (1)
Dr. Beenish Ehsan
Family Physician - Karachi

Dear Patient,

I'm sorry to hear that. Have you got an X-ray of your knee? Did you ever have an accident or injury to your knee? Subrex Z and surbex T are almost the same except a little amount of the vitamins. Thats alright. Try taking this and seeing if there's a difference.

For further consultation, you can choose from our list of best Pain Management Specialists in Lahore and seek in-person advice.

Dr.Sajid Qayyum
Acupuncturist, General Physician, Pain Management Specialist
Dr.Saima Zahoor
Acupuncturist, Pain Management Specialist

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