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Migraine Problem

Asked for Male, 40 years

I am a male 34 years old with a history of migraine. For the last 4 days, I have had a ringing noise in my left ear and the whole left side of my head is hurting. It is a different feeling then my normal headaches. Any suggestions on what could be the cause of it and what to do about it?

Responses (1)
Dr. Beenish Ehsan
Family Physician - Karachi

Dear Patient,

Half-sided headache is usually migraine. But this could be in combination with an ear infection or so hence the ringing in your ear. It would be best if you can seek the advice of a medical specialist. They can examine your ears and assess you for this persistent headache.

For further help, we advise booking an appointment with the best Pain Management Specialist in Lahore and seek a piece of in-person advice at https://oladoc.com/pakistan/lahore/pain-management-specialist

You can seek further professional help from the below recommended Specialists:

Dr.Shahzad Anwar
Pain Management Specialist, Rehab Medicine
Assoc. Prof.Syed Mehmood Ali
Pain Management Specialist
Dr.Muhammad Azam Khan
Sports Medicine Specialist, Pain Management Specialist
Dr.Sajid Qayyum
Acupuncturist, General Physician, Pain Management Specialist

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