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What to Eat for Stronger Bones?

3 min read

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Calcium is not the only thing that keep the bones strong. The secret to strong bones is a well-balanced diet. Taking a varied, well-balanced diet is more helpful and effective than chugging down calcium supplements or glasses of milk. Here are some additional options of food for stronger bones you can include in your health plan!

Olive Oil

Olive oil is an important food for stronger bones. It might be well-known for its heart benefits, but new research show that it is beneficial for bones as it has been related to the prevention of osteoporosis.

“It doesn’t replace calcium and vitamin D in the diet,” Keith-Thomas Ayoob, a dietitian and professor at Albert Einstein College of Medicine, told ABC News. “But including all three, and regular exercise, are showing promise as the best way to ensure good bone health.”

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Fatty Fish

No amount of calcium would do you much good without your daily dose of vitamin D which helps the body to absorb calcium. Most adults need about 600 IUs of vitamin D every day, according to the National Institute of Health.

  • A three-ounce serving of sockeye salmon clocks in at nearly 450 IU
  • A can of sardines contains 178 IU
  • Three ounces of canned tuna totals about 70 IU.


Soy is a protein-rich and dairy free way to boost your calcium intake.  This is a healthier alternative to dairy products, especially for people who suffer from diabetes and heart diseases.

  • A cup of soybeans contains 261 mgs of calcium,
  • And 108 mgs of magnesium.


Research suggests that a potassium-rich diet may counteract some of the decline in calcium absorption. The average adult needs about 4,700 mgs of potassium a day.

  • One medium sweet potato with skin has 542 mgs
  • A medium white potato with the skin has 751 mgs.


Bananas are known to be potassium gold mine, but don’t often make lists of foods for healthy bones. Food rich in potassium are crucial for your bone health. They might be underestimated but adding bananas to your diet will add quality to it.

  • A medium banana has around 422 mgs of potassium.


Nuts are rich in healthy fats and part of the typical Mediterranean diet, though a  new study found a stronger relationship between healthy bones and a diet enriched with olive oil than a diet enriched with nuts. The average adult needs around 300 to 400 mgs a day, according to the NIH.

  • A one-ounce serving of almonds contains 80 mgs of calcium
  • Nearly 80 mgs of magnesium, another key player for strong bones.

Leafy Greens

Make green your new favorite color. Your salads and steamed greens are packed with bone-building nutrients, particularly calcium, magnesium and vitamin K.
Vitamin K is critical in forming bone proteins and cuts calcium loss in urine.
Too little of this fat-soluble vitamin increases risk of hip fractures, research shows.
Just one cup of raw or a half-cup of cooked greens provides several times the recommended intake of 90 micrograms per day.


Have beans for supper tonight, especially pinto, black, white and kidney beans. You’ll get another good boost of magnesium and even some calcium.

The U.S. Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommends at least 2-1/2 cups of beans and other legumes (peas, lentils) weekly.
Bean-eaters reduce their risk of cancer, heart disease and obesity. Problem is, most people don’t know what to do with them.

Here are a few ideas:

•  At the beginning of the week, open and rinse a can of beans, and store them in your refrigerator. Each night, toss a heaping spoonful into your mixed green salad.

•  Top nachos with red beans.

•  Mix any canned bean into vegetable soups.

•  Add black beans or kidney beans to pasta salads.

•  Instead of coleslaw or potato salad, take a bean salad to your next potluck supper.


Many of us forget about milk once we outgrow crazy straws and strawberry powder, but bones don’t stop developing in our teens. We add bone mass even in our 20s, but only if we consume enough of the nutritional elements.
Once we reach menopause and begin to lose estrogen, our bones lose calcium more rapidly than at any other time in our lives. If you feel that this is happening to you before it should, get in touch with the best orthopedic surgeon in Rawalpindi for a consultation.

Here again, calcium and vitamin D can help delay the loss of bone mass.
Milk is a good source of vitamin D because it is fortified.
Cheese, yogurt and ice cream generally aren’t; they contain little vitamin D.
Drink nonfat or 1% milk; the others have high saturated fat and cholesterol content. Pour a nice cold glass and enjoy – with or without a cookie.

Your bones health it very important no matter how old you are. Keep your diet balanced and if you need a detailed plan, don’t hesitate to visit a nutritionist. They will help you with your entire diet plan and customize it according to what you need. A well-balanced diet is the way to go for a healthy lifestyle and  good bone strength.Your health matters. You can book an appointment with a top Orthopedic in Rawalpindi, Karachi and Islamabad through oladoc.com, or call our helpline at 042-3890-0939 for assistance to find the RIGHT Doctor for all your health concerns

Disclaimer: The contents of this article are intended to raise awareness about common health issues and should not be viewed as sound medical advice for your specific condition. You should always consult with a licensed medical practitioner prior to following any suggestions outlined in this article or adopting any treatment protocol based on the contents of this article.

Dr. Belal Saadat
Dr. Belal Saadat - Author Dr. Belal Saadat is a Orthopedic Surgeon practicing in Lahore. He has M.B.B.S. and F.C.P.S (Ortho) degrees with over 9 years of experience. You can book an appointment with Dr. Belal Saadat by visiting oladoc.
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