211-B Tulip Commercial, Infront of Grand Jamia Mosque, Bahria Town, Lahore
211-B Tulip Commercial, Infront of Grand Jamia Mosque, Bahria Town, Lahore
Dr. Maria Inayat is a General Physician currently practicing at Ali Medical Center (Lahore), Lahore. You can call our helpline 04238900939 for more information.
Dr. Maria Inayat has the following qualifications:
In order to book an appointment with Dr. Maria Inayat you can call 04238900939 or click the Book Appointment button.
Dr. Maria Inayat is currently practicing at the following locations:
Following are some of the services offered by Dr. Maria Inayat:
Following are some of the conditions treated by Dr. Maria Inayat:
Dr. Maria Inayat has the following degrees: M.B.B.S., F.C.P.S.