Dr. Zain Ul Abedin has over 5 years of experience in his field.
Dr. Zain Ul Abedin is a General Physician with 5 years of experience. You can call our helpline 0518151800 for more information.
Dr. Zain Ul Abedin has over 5 years of experience in his field.
Dr. Zain Ul Abedin has the following qualifications:
In order to book an appointment with Dr. Zain Ul Abedin you can call 0518151800 or click the Book Appointment button.
The fee for Dr. Zain Ul Abedin ranges from Rs. 800 - 1,000 for appointments. You can also book an online video consultation with him at an exclusive discount for just Rs. 500 through oladoc.
Dr. Zain Ul Abedin is currently practicing at the following locations:
Following are some of the services offered by Dr. Zain Ul Abedin:
Following are some of the conditions treated by Dr. Zain Ul Abedin:
Dr. Zain Ul Abedin's fee ranges from Rs. 800 to Rs. 1,000 for consultation.
Location | Fee |
Online Video Consultation | Rs. 1,000 |
Zia Medical Centre | Rs. 800 |
Dr. Zain Ul Abedin has 5 years of experience.
100% users had a positive experience with Dr. Zain Ul Abedin.
Dr. Zain Ul Abedin has the following degrees: MBBS