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Health Forum

Asked for Male, 6 years

My 4 months old is having pimple-like something on this arm near the shoulder. When I touch it, it’s a little bit deep and hard. Is it something to worry about or it could be bitten by an ant or anything.

Asked for Female, 39 years

I am 14 weeks pregnant and recently have gone through MacDonald cerclage Dr advised for complete bed rest I am the mother of 3 kids and 2 of them are school going it is necessary to have complete bed rest My last two kids delivered at 32 and 30 weeks plz guide as I am really tensed how to manage my house and my kids and especially the husband.

Asked for Female, 6 years

Aoa my daughter is going to be 5 months old next week. She is on breastfeeding and formula milk (Similac) both. From more than a week, she is passing dark green stool. Is it normal and what should I do for that?

Asked for Female, 29 years

I am married 24 years old with 13 month baby but the problem is I am facing severe infection both bacterial and fungal I did test as doctor prescribed me in reports heavy growth of candidiasis fungal is detected and blood come in my stool as well coz of swelling now from yesterday I have flu plus throat infection and my whole body is in pain severe in legs plz tell me is it ok to have flu and throat infection or I should go to the doctor.

Asked for Male, 9 years

My son is 3.10 years old. Today when I got up I saw some blood on his pillow as well as on shoulder and bed sheet. Blood came from the nose. It never happened before. I'm worried. Can any Dr. tell me why it happened? What could be the reason?

Asked for Male, 6 years

I've heard about johnson lotions is not good for kids is it true? If yes. Then suggest a good company lotion, powder, and oil for kids of good quality.

Asked for Female, 32 years

I have been given Zolanix 150 mg Weekly by Dermatologist for underarm fungal infection. It has messed up my periods. Have taken 3 capsules only P.S. Age 27 years. Married and I am not pregnant. Does the medicine effects periods?

Asked for Male, 36 years

31-year-old male, been having knee pain in both knees for about 8 months. Had weak knees and eliminated impact sports years ago. Pain feels like burning from within knees and gets worse in the evening. It feels they swell from the inside. I feel the cushions sometimes too. I have an office job but gym active. Lab tests for inflam. signs came back neg. At the point where my first orthopedic doctor visit suggested PT (haven't started that yet). Meloxicam helps, taking Truvada daily. What is this?

Asked for Female, 32 years

I had mole like something on the side of my nose for almost 10 years. I thought its a mole but someone told me that its a blackhead, but I never tried to do anything for it. 2 weeks ago it was popped out like a pimple and now its like a bump, a pimple without any head. please guide what to do with this and what actually is this?

Asked for Female, 28 years

Every few months or so (usually as a precursor to my period) I have bouts of deja vu/deja reve, followed by a headache, a feeling of anxiety and sometimes nausea. This occurs a few times a day for up to a week and last between 30 seconds to 3 minutes. Afterwards, I have difficulty remembering what had occurred during the headache, what triggered it and what I was doing or feeling at the time. After a week of this, I get another round of it, with a headache so intense i have to say in bed 2 days.

Asked for Male, 28 years

I'm just 23 years old. My hairs are falling down fast from last 2 months, whenever I wake up early in the morning dozens of hairs have had to pick up from the pillow, whenever I comb or do shampoo dozens of hairs fall down.

Asked for Female, 29 years

I have this around the inner thigh area Sides of the vagina It's super itchy red and flaky I have been using Vaseline and polyfax but it's not healing only calms the itch for a day or so. Please recommend some ointment or anything which will heal this.

Asked for Male, 61 years

I want to know that my father had blood clots in his leg a few years ago. He was abroad at that time so they treated him there but when he came back there was still one clot in his ankle which has not been dissolved. Now his leg is again swollen due to that clot. A local doctor gave him some blood-thinning medication. But I want to know that is there any specialist which can be consulted in Lahore for this particular reason?

Asked for Female, 11 years

My daughter lost her front milky teeth at the age of 3 after falling from a swing. The teeth came again from the wrong direction and again fall down after 6 months She is 6 years old now but her teeth haven't grown back yet. need suggestions, please.

Asked for Male, 8 years

My child is 3 years old and he always has been an outgoing and a very social child, he was quite attached to the family. But since he started going to school the first few days were really good, he didn't cry neither he threw any tantrum but since a few days, he just doesn't want to go home. He cries like so much that we can't even hold him but at his Nani's place he is fine no tantrums nothing. But the moment we ask him to go home he starts all that again. Please guide me on what should we do?

Asked for Male, 37 years

I am feeling so much pain in the highlighted area, especially in the morning while getting out of bed, i have done Uric Acid test as well which is normal (attached). I really can't walk properly due to this pain. Sometimes i feel burning sensation as well.

Asked for Female, 36 years

I m 34 weeks preg. From 2 days I suddenly feel breathlessness, nausea, and vibration in the abdomen which going to pelvic and legs area. So much uncomfortable feeling in legs. 2 days I checked my Bp which was 100/60. Ps: I m also having preterm lbr for which I'm taking med but pressure and tightness of abdomen are still there. I'm also having a gas issue. What is the reason if low bp or breathlessness?

Asked for Male, 31 years

I need help. I have a swollen blood red pimple on my cheek near the ear and one on upper left part of forehead. They hurt as well. What should I do can someone one tell me.

Asked for Male, 39 years

I have continuously been experiencing severe pain in the heel (as shown in the below image) especially during the evening. I am planning to show up for a regular check-up but can anyone here give me a rough idea of what might be the root cause of this pathetic pain?

Asked for Female, 26 years

My sister got hit (on her leg) by a bike yesterday resulting in minor injury. She is currently applying polyfax. Please suggest what further treatment is required? Does she need a tetanus shot?

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