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Health Forum

Asked for Male, 25 years

My age is 19 and my height is 5 feet and 11 inches but my Weight is 95 kgs. Male Is that Normal weight? I want to loose some weight please suggest me something or suggest.

Asked for Male, 39 years

My father has swelling at the backside of his head (right above the neck). It's been there from a while but now it has started to result in a headache. I'm not sure which doctor to consult.

Asked for Female, 38 years

I am 5 weeks pregnant but after my Ultrasound it was shown that only the sac is visible and no heartbeat was monitored. Also, a diagnosis of 3 cm Hematoma in my uterus was found so the doctor prescribed me Duphaston and Endometrin. My question to you is that, is it safe to use them? At which week does the heartbeat appear? Because my doctor told me if no heartbeat is found, she will terminate it.

Asked for Male, 30 years

I want to know is there any way to grow beard? I am 24 years old and just have few hairs on cheeks and chin. I think it's not a genetic issue because my father and all uncle have a beard.. I did some research and found minoxidil for hair growth.. I want to know Is it helpful in beard growth.?

Asked for Female, 24 years

I'm 18year old .My height only 4 fit please advice best medicine in height growth increase

Asked for Female, 17 years

Some days ago I found a thumb pin under my daughter shoe, apparently didn't hurt her foot. But after few days she complained of pain at that area. Dr.prescribed antibiotic for three days to avoid any infection. But no improvement. Later he advised to apply corn tape. But no improvement. Showed to dermatologist, who asked for x-ray, which didn't show any thing . Soaked foot in warm water that soften the place and a corn type thing came out , but skin still hard at that place also hurts as before.

Asked for Female, 34 years

I am 33 weeks pregnant Alhamdulillah. Previously i was facing some issues like infection and low Hb (that was 8 but now around 10.2). I had hibor injections and duphaston throughout my pregnancy bcause of 2 miscarriages. Now my bp is very low. It is around 45/80 or 50/90. Because of this I feel dizziness. Though I eat salty things alot. Also my right hand is numb. I cant feel my fingers. What should I do for numb hands and to maintain my bp. Is normal delivery possible in such conditions.

Asked for Female, 14 years

I'm fed up of head lice. It keeps coming back on my kids' head. I've heard ivermactin tablets kills all the lice. Does it really work? Any other topical lotion for stubborn head lice that really works? English anti lice is useless.

Asked for Male, 35 years

I am a 29 year old male but I look like a 40 year old. I have aged very poorly. I am a Civil Engineer who works in the field. What caused this to happen? What can I do to look my proper age? Kindly suggest.

Asked for Male, 39 years

During change of weather, I suffer with cough and thick black mucus/phlegm. Sometimes cough so hard, difficulties in breathing and starts headache, eyebrows pain etc. How do I get rid of thick black mucus/phlegm im chest/lungs? Any home remedy or syrup? Kindly suggest. Thanks.

Asked for Female, 31 years

I have a horizontal black line on my nose from the past seven years. During the time of menses, it looks lighter, but on the other days, it looks darker. I applied everything from lemon juice, potato juice, cucumber, kojic cream, etc. But nothing works. What should I do?

Asked for Female, 31 years

My upper arms are so dark and I also have some small sand like bums. I noticed this since I was 15 years old. As my skin is quite fair, it looks very promiment. I have been using Betnovate-N cream for small bumps. The bumps have vanished mostly, but still have black marks. using Retin-A gel since two months, but there is no improvement. Please suggest me how to solve these problems.

Asked for Female, 33 years

I have a excessive problem with hormonal imbalance. The level of estrogen is more due to which i have excessive hair fall and acne, migraine. Kindly suggest me some thing for that.

Asked for Female, 38 years

Aoa I am prediabitic taking glucophage 500 mg.Recently got pain in my toes and feet especially at night. My hands also get numb at different times. Hba1c 6.1. Guidance is required.thanks

Asked for Female, 34 years

I have chalazion since last two months I have used Betnesol_N ointment and Dr suggested me to use megamox drops and brufen tablet but Now it seems to be a red spot on the inner side of lower eyelid actually its stop growing but also doesn't recover completely.

Asked for Female, 32 years

Reasons why female gets problem of spreading urine towards legs? Flow is not in single straight stream,and not in a go , strain on nerves to empty the bladder and then cleanliness itself is a problem .

Asked for Male, 40 years

I need to quit smoking I had tried on my own but I feel I do need some medical assistance please guide me in this regard.

Asked for Female, 11 years

My niece have burning in her anus area she is 5 years old , before 8 months she have passed blood during poop for 15 days, but now again blood is coming during poop also she have minore cut in that area , also her vaginal area stick some whity discharge, also when she drink (nido or fresh ) she complain pain in tummy kindly dr. Suggest what we do

Asked for Female, 32 years

I am 4 months pregnant, I got too many acne on my body as well as on my face. My forhead is full of acne, and my face has so many acne scars. I am scared of using any product in this condition. Kindly recommend me any face wash and cream which help me to get rid of this acne and scars. Thanks

Asked for Female, 33 years

My hands seem to have a blue tint. Is it normal? The color gets darker (blue, purple) when I shower or wet my hands. Is it due to weakness? I'm underweight and have been anemic most of my life. (I have menorrhagia and some psychiatric issues.) My hands, feet, limbs are often numb.

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