Recurrent sore throat and DNS.Tonsillectomy has done. But still the sore throat exists. Recently i used azithromycin 250 mg. And after that clarithromycin 500 mg + mouth spray...but there has been no positive effect. What should i do?
Baby girl of 26 months.. She has slight red spots on the tongue from the last four months. These spots sometimes disappear slightly and appear after a few weeks. Is this a symptom of any allergy or is it a casual problem?
A 3 years old baby girl.. Right eye got misbalanced a month ago. Eye is apparently alright it is not watery nor reddish.. Neither is she suffering from a disease currently or from childbirth ..she has a healthy diet with proper nutrition..,what can be reason ,is there any treatment possible? Should we get it operated? Which Doctor should we look for?
I have movements in my stomach for 10+yrs. I saw doctors and I have medical tests but all to no avail. One doctor told me I am suffering from Appendicitis; one said I am suffering from Erosive Gastritis, I took the medication but no betterment. Now I feel heat and inflammation in my stomach and throughout body. Im restless especially in the right side of my body. I feel hazy and my backbone aches with inflammation, I have pain in waist. i had xray but it was fine. please help
Both my legs ache from upper thigh to ankles, the pain feels like its getting worse by the minute and feel uncomfortable no matter which way I sit, lay or stand. Do you have any explanations and/or advice? I play Football daily
How many cortisone injections are okay per year? I had one injection in my back in nov. and then 13 more from march to june. Now I have pain down the entire left side of my body and my nerves are 'caught up' in my spine. I went to what I thought was a doctor, but it turns out she was fake, for a pulled muscle in my back and now I can barely walk and am swollen all over.Is there a way to get rid of the swelling from so many injections? one injection burnt my back i still have scar. help please
Male patient Age 35..I have skin allergy on my feet from almost 15 years.. The allergy gets aggravate specially when season changes. Used Clobbered (relief temporary).And last week i diagnosed another red nodule on skin after hairs being pulled my allergy spreading or should i take any medication?
I have constant pain in both legs (from just above the knee down) whether I am standing or sitting. They ache as it would when you have the flu or something. I have noticed some discoloration around my inner ankle on my right side, which looks like blackened veins (very small veins,) but no pain in that ankle. My legs have been aching now for about a month.What can this be?
For the last 2 years, every night around 2am I get muscle twitching sensations all over my chest, mostly under the sternum or left of the sternum, sometimes on the right side as well above my nipple or on the far right of my ribcage .It started with just a very light twitch in the upper middle of my abdomen, and it progressed to lightly all over my chest, and now the sensations have gotten more and more severe. MRI of the heart, ekgs, bloodwork, all normal. please help
I got the Kidney stone operation through laser two days ago. But still i am suffering from vomiting and severe pain. As it common after such treatment. Kindly let me know what precautions should i take and what should i do to minimize the pain?
Prehistory: Heart Patient undergone through angioplasty in 2014.(Two stents).Currently Bp and diabetic patient. Question: Sciatica has also been diagnosed mostly recently. Is it ok to undergo neurosurgery as pain gets unbearable?
Im having migraines for last 10yrs. The frequency vary between once every few months to twice a week. I’ve gone to several doctors and neurologists and have tried all sorts of migraine medications with not much success. I normally wake up with them. The pain is always in my left eye brow, my left eye, behind my left eye, and bone of my left eye socket, and the top of both the bottom and top of my teeth (only on my left side). I also get nauseous and vomit. Im having PCOS and anovulation
I have swelling in my toes when I stand too long or walk. They itch and have spots in different places. putting my feet up seems to help, but when I don’t usually while im in office, they swell up with pinching pain. what is it? please guide
My mother was diagnosed with melanoma on her hand and it had spread to the eye. She is on chemotherapy but was also told to get surgery for her “intraocular” melanoma. Im confused as wouldn’t chemotherapy work for the eye too? please respond
I had sores on waist 3 red sores , in a cluster and painless. They eventually turned reddish purple brownish after about a week they turned grey on the outside. I went to the doctor who said it was herpes and sent me for a blood test but it came negative. He then restested the blood few weeks later but came back negative. I had no having a real dull achy pain where the sores used to be. I just had this pain for about 4-5 days,still there. It happens a lot now. please respond
Before I found out that I was pregnant, I was already diagnosed with a thyroid problem, hyperthyroidism. I had tests (T3 T4 and TSH) and all were positive for hyperthyroid. The endocrinologist prescribed a Propranolol or Inderal for eaxtreme palpitation and Tapazole for my thyroid. I am really afraid that it might have a very bad effect on my baby as I believe the heart and organs are developing. Please give accurate and frank response
I lost 4 pounds and feel wonderful but seem to have trouble sleeping, havent had a full nights sleep in weeks. I weigh now 117. I gave up all caffeine. Im also on thyroid medicine. Does it have anything to do with the medication? What should i do?
some blockage in my left carotid 15-60% in the right also have some blockage around my heart. I had a stress test in 2004 and 1.5 minutes it showed positive. In 2008 I had it done again and it showed up at 8.5 minutes. I have had treatments for the last 10 years of chelation. I suffer from what seems like angina left side, however it is different than a normal problem as it is always associated to an upset stomach/cramps, and gas. I some times get it when I walk a few feet and then it gets fine
Chest pain, dull-achy-sometimes burning-sometimes sometimes-stinging, inframammary over the pectoralis major sometimes radiating to the armpit and down to the left deltoid muscles, rarely also to the left and right scapula. have seen two cardiologist, a pulmonologist, a gastroenterologist but no improvement. The chest pain starts or gets worse by exposure to cold even the AC. My EKG at rest during stress had 2mm st depression but my 2D Echo after 10mins on the treadmill was normal
almost a week ago my hip popped while I was doing exercise. I’ve tried deep heat cream and massaging but it hasnt worked. It still really hurts and has gotten worse and I dont know what may have happened to it. what should i do?