About 3 weeks ago I started having stomach pains, passing stool that had blood in it and was yellow, diarrhea, mucusy type. I was having muscle twitches in the leg in abdomen and pain in my sides. I received an Abdominal CT scan, blood work, a Chest X-ray and Urology all came back clear. They told me the blood I spit was from an apple I ate that cut capillaries in my throat and that im probably constipated. My younger sister once had the same symptoms. please guide
Can breastfeeding cause frequent periods? I am 3 months pp with my first baby. I had c-section and after 40 days had first period. From that time the routine is set for exactly two weeks gap. I have consulted two doctors both have said its normal. I just want to get another opinion as i have always heard that breastfeeding may stop periods for a little while. I wanna know what sort of hormonal changes BF is causing which is responsible for frequent periods.
What are the causes of bleeding in early pregnancy? Result showing positive on strip and urine test. But in ultrasound, it is showing nothing. Please guide what to do?
I have pain in kidney and burning in urine since last night , i drunk plenty of water and took panadol tablet+lemon juice as a first aid ,got relief again today i am suffering from the same condition . Kindly suggest what should i go for .
My daughter stomach is mostly upset whatever she eats passes watery and very sticky stool in minutes or sometimes in an hour but nothing stays in her tummy and she usually complaints stomach ache. I have consulted many doctors they gave different reasons with cefixime and metodine syrup as i start the course she gets severly constipated and cries a lot because of stomach ache. Plus i want to know a doctor said me not to gve her fresh milk whch milk should i gve her
I was taking Lyrica 50 mg dose. Recently my doctor increases the dosage as my condition was not getting better but now I am having difficulty concentrating, dizziness and dry mouth. Should I go back to low dosage or is there some better alternative?
I am a 32-year-old male. I have been told that I snore loudly in my sleep. In my sleep sometimes I feel choked and wake up. So I feel sleepy through the day. Please advise a remedy.
My husband (44 years old) has always been a heavy snorer. But recently, when he's sleeping it sounds like something's choking him. Why might be this so?
I took a biopsy as I was having a severe and chronic stomach and digestive troubles. Test results showed 'Intestinal Metaplasia', and I read that this might cause stomach cancer in the future. How do I fight this and keep cancer away in the future?
Asking for my mother. She is suffering from Arthritis and also has pain in her sacroiliac joint area. What can she do to relieve herself of the pain?
My son developed a wrinkled circle patch inside of his lower lip. His lip was also swollen. Now it is not swollen now but the patch is still there. He hasn’t eaten anything around the time so I think it is not a food allergy. Please guide.
Asking on some one's behalf What could be the reason that my periods are late even the date is always exact but this month its been 6 days up... feeling menses cramps and pain in abdomen, passing gas has increased to much extent, feeling pain in back and leg may b sciatica, not even trying to conceive. Even then checked two times, not pregnant...
I had my tooth surgically removed because of an abscess. It has been over a week now and the gum around the extracted tooth is still swollen. Is this normal after the procedure?
My daughter has got these red blisters on her hands palm and feet. Trying to figure out what are these. She even has one of these on her tongue which is painful and makes it difficult for her to talk and eat. Please guide what this is. And what should i apply
I am a female 23 years old. I have large and open pores on both of my cheeks. Please tell a natural remedy to close and tighten the pores?
Asking for a three year old daughter. She is having a high temperature and is not able to keep anything inside. She even throws up liquid. What should I do?
I am a male 34 years old with a history of migraine. For the last 4 days, I have had a ringing noise in my left ear and the whole left side of my head is hurting. It is a different feeling then my normal headaches. Any suggestions on what could be the cause of it and what to do about it?
when i wear chappals that cover this area of my feet. i get swear itching urges. it gets too itchy that my skin starts looking like this ans then when i cover my feet at night a quilt or something i start geting itchiness again. its been 2 weeks that i have not scratched my feet. but these terrible marks are not disappearingm i moisturise my feet every night and keep my feet clean. need help
Both of my big toe nails have got these scales on them..only the half of the each nail is involved n rest of the nail is fine. What could be the reason and treatment?
My father has fungus in two of his nails for almost 2 years now. He has gotten the nails extracted twice but even now the new nails coming out seem to be infected. He has been taking zolonax for 4-5 months now as his doctor prescribed. Moreover, he's also been applying an antifungal during these years. Can someone tell me what should be done for this and which specialist should we refer to. Picture attached