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Jam Backbone

Asked for Female, 37 years

Its almost four months I delivered my third baby and now I'm noticing from the last 3 weeks that when I sleep my backbone from neck to hipbone its total jam and even I cannot move its all strained and painful it feels like I can't change my position while sleeping. I feel so difficult and its really painful to move while sleeping. Don't know whats the reason I sleep in proper posture. But really confused why its happening. Taking calcium and minerals too. Please help.

Responses (1)
Dr. Beenish Ehsan
Family Physician - Karachi

Dear Patient,

How much is your recent vitamin D level? Have you tried massaging your back with a heat pack? Take tablet ponstan forte twice a day for a week and rub the voltral gel on your back 20mins after warm compresses twice a day. If things don't improve Consider consulting a medical specialist.

For further consultation, you can choose from our list of best Neurologists in Lahore and seek in-person advice.

Dr.Mohammad Nasrullah
Dr.Adnan Tariq Mahmood
Dr.Khalid Jamil Akhtar
Neurologist, Rehabilitation Specialist

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