Is there any way to control weight loss in diabetes? Diagnosed with type 2 1.5year ago. The person is not on any medication and controls the sugar through diet, walk and exercise. Regular checkups are done. The only issue is weight loss. Around 10 kgs in one year. Looks shrinked. What's the reason plz guide if he need any medication?
I am 35 yrs old married & mother of 3 kids all are c-section birth from last one year I am gaining e...
Hello, I am trying really hard to get rid of belly fats but unable to do so. I am 23, height: 5'7" ...
I tried many weight loss methods but none were effective. I am still gaining weight. I suffer from c...
I am disgusted by what I see in the mirror. If work out is not an option, what's the BEST way to ...
What could be the reason of unexplained sudden weight gain after delivery? Before pregnancy my weigh...
I need to lose the weight, having green tea 3 times a day after breakfast lunch and dinner and befo...