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5 Ways You Are Making Your Food Toxic

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Sometimes even well-intentioned cooks can make grave mistakes in the kitchen and which can increase health risks. Some cooking techniques can make food toxic because of different reasons. For instance, some cooking methods may damage proteins which is harmful for the gut.

Similarly, some cooking choices can oxidize fats and this may contribute to diseases. That’s why it is important to know that your cooking methods are safe in order to not create any toxins in the process. Here are some kitchen habits that you should avoid according to top nutritionists in Pakistan

1- Using The Wrong Fats:

Not all fats are created the same. For instance, olive oil should only be used for cooking certain foods and some health experts say that coconut oil should not be used as cooking oil at all. All oils have different smoken points, and once the smoke point is reached, the fat breaks down and this could cause harmful free radicals to be released. Canola oil, refined avocado oil, almond oil, peanut oil, safflower oil, grapeseed oil, sesame oil, and sunflower oil are some oils with high smoke points that are suitable for high-heat cooking. Regardless of which oil you should use, you should keep portions in check to avoid adding excess calories.

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2- Overheating Oils:

Oils with low smoke points such as coconut and olive oil are not suitable for high-temperature cooking; they should instead be used as salad dressings or for already cooked foods. They basically have nutritional compounds which can be destroyed when exposed to high temperature. Neutral oils such as sunflower and grapeseed should be used for frying, sautéing, and roasting, while extra virgin olive oil can be used for drizzling over cooked food.

3- Simmering For A Long Time:

Although simmering may prevent fats from oxidizing, it can denature proteins protein fully. That is why it is recommended that you simmer your food for only a short period of time and avoid leaving food on the pan to simmer for hours.

4- Slow Cooking For A Prolonged Period:

Even though slow cooking is an easy and time-saving way to cook foods, doing it for a long time can break down the collagen. This breakdown of collagen is what makes slow-cooked meat dishes delicious. Moreover, slow cooking for a long time can also overcook meat and produce glutamate. That is why it is essential that you slow cook correctly. Keep the cooker covered tightly and use many antioxidant spices such as rosemary and turmeric.

5- Deep Frying:

Even though deep-fried food is delicious, consuming it on a regular basis can be very harmful to your health. The process of deep frying transforms healthy foods such as vegetables and meats into unhealthy meals that are full of trans-fats. Moreover, research has linked the consumption of deep-fried foods to many health problems such as diabetes and heart diseases. If you are obsessed with fried foods, try getting an air fryer as it does not require a lot of oil.

A nutritionist can further school you on safe cooking habits. You can find and book an appointment with top Nutritionists in Islamabad, Karachi, and Lahore through oladoc.com. You can also call our helpline at 042-3890-0939 for assistance to find the RIGHT Doctor for your health concerns.

Disclaimer: The contents of this article are intended to raise awareness about common health issues and should not be viewed as sound medical advice for your specific condition. You should always consult with a licensed medical practitioner prior to following any suggestions outlined in this article or adopting any treatment protocol based on the contents of this article.

Dr. Aqeel Ahmed
Dr. Aqeel Ahmed - Author Dr. Aqeel Ahmad Khan is among the Best Diabetologists in Multan. First-ever Pakistani Doctor nominated by UNFPA Pakistan for American UNFPA award for women health and dignity in 2009. He also has a live programme on tv channel from Islamabad for health awareness.

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