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The Keto Diet: Is It Really Worth the Hype?

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KETO is the new buzz word that has been going around. It is the new diet that has been claimed as the fastest weight loss plan yet. The thing that has made this diet a favorite is that it lets people consume more calories than other weight loss plans. The internet is full of transformation stories and it is getting more popular with every passing day. But is it worth going on KETO?

This question cannot be answered without full information of impacts of KETO on human body and if you are the one asking this question, you have come to the right place. We are breaking down KETO for you, so that you can make an informed decision.

What is KETO?

The word KETO is derived from the term ketogenesis which is the process of production of ketones in human body. It is a diet that includes high percentages of fat, moderate amount of proteins and very little amounts of carbohydrates. The diet includes food items like meat, poultry, cheese, low carb vegetables and healthy fats like butter and coconut oil.

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Why KETO leads to effective weight loss?

KETO is not some magical potion that you drink and drop some inches. There is a science to why it lets you drop weight effectively and speedily. Our bodies work on carbohydrates; sugar. Most of the staples like bread, rice, and fruits that we consume have some form of sugar in them. This sugar is broken down by our body in order to generate energy. This energy is then used by our bodies to perform routine tasks.

Fat is also a source of energy but the normal human body does not break fat as often as it breaks sugar because of high availability of the later. The body on a KETO diet conversely is deprived of sugar and is consuming fat continuously which leads to the body breaking the stored fat instead of sugar to meet its energy demands leading to production of ketones and shedding of some weight each day.

What comes with KETO? 

KETO as mentioned before can do wonders in terms of weight loss. Apart from this, it can also help type II diabetic patients as by cutting sugar it reduces the need to produce insulin. There are however, also some side effects of KETO. It is important that you are aware of all the problems that you may encounter before starting a KETO diet. The most common issues that have been experienced by people on KETO are as follows

  • The flu: In the initial weeks of the KETO you are likely to experience flu like symptoms such as extreme fatigue and sore muscles. This is known as the KETO flu and occurs due to the lack of energy in the early days while your body is in starvation mode and is using the carbohydrates in your liver.
  • Kidney problems: KETO diet can lead to kidney stones because a buildup of fatty acids.
  • Gastric problems: Because of high fat content of the KETO diet, problems with digestion may arise.
  • Unfriendly fats: Although KETO claims to have all healthy fats but some unhealthy fats such as fats from red meat are also present on the plan and an increased consumption of these fats may lead to a number of heart diseases including the issue of high cholesterol.

All these issues indicate that KETO is potentially harmful for your overall health. If you are still willing to start KETO, then do so in the supervision of a nutritionist. You can also book an appointment with top nutritionists in Lahore, Karachi and Islamabad through oladoc.com or call our helpline at 042-3890-0939 to get directed to the specialists that can cater to your specific concerns.

Disclaimer: The contents of this article are intended to raise awareness about common health issues and should not be viewed as sound medical advice for your specific condition. You should always consult with a licensed medical practitioner prior to following any suggestions outlined in this article or adopting any treatment protocol based on the contents of this article.

Dr. Nosheen Abbas
Dr. Nosheen Abbas - Author Dr. Nosheen Abbas is a Dietitian and Nutritionist. Dr. Nosheen Abbas is among the Best Dietitians in Islamabad. She has a MBBS, MSPH and SNHS Dip. (Holistic Nutrition) UK degree along with an experience of 13 years. She is also a member of Pakistan Medical and Dental Council (PMDC) and its pmdc number is 45457-P.

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