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A World of Fears: A List of Rare and…

Fear is a survival mechanism that our bodies induce as protection from potential threats according to top psychiatrists in Pakistan. In high doses, however,...
Maida (Ex. Editor)
2 min read

A Method to the Madness: 7 Causes of Phobia…

Phobias are a type of anxiety disorder that are defined as an extreme fear of something specific. That something may be a person or...
Maida (Ex. Editor)
2 min read

What to Put in Your Medicine Carry-on Bag

Having a well-stocked medicine carry-on bag can come in handy during minor accidents, times of crises such as a fire, flood, or hurricane, or...
Maida (Ex. Editor)
1 min read

What Is Anorexia?

The media’s portrayal of unrealistic body images and the conventional, regressive beauty standards set by the society at large often manifests in the form...
Maida (Ex. Editor)
1 min read

The Best and Worst Shoes for Your Feet

In the race to keep up with current trends, most people never comprehend the havoc that most fashion shoes, and even certain ‘comfy’ shoes...
Maida (Ex. Editor)
2 min read