Diabetes Management

Top 5 Endocrinologists in Karachi

Hormones are chemical messengers that help in the smooth running of the body. Processes like respiration, reproduction, temperature regulation, growth are controlled by them....
Maida (Ex. Editor)
2 min read

Reduce Your Type 2 Diabetes Risk With This Healthy…

Omega-3 fatty acids are recommended by endocrinologists as part of any diabetes management plan, owing to their ability to control diabetes-induced damage throughout the...
Maida (Ex. Editor)
2 min read

6 of the Best Snack Options for Diabetes

Most associate a diabetes diagnosis with 3 bland meals a day, no snacks in between. And while people with diabetes do need to watch...
Maida (Ex. Editor)
2 min read

Rubbing Back the Feeling: 6 Essential Oils for Treating…

Neuropathy refers to nerve damage leading to numbness, tingling sensations, and even pain in the affected area(s). Though it has many causes, diabetes is...
Maida (Ex. Editor)
2 min read

Maintaining Cholesterol: How to Avoid Diabetic Dyslipidemia?

Dyslipidemia is a condition in which there is an increase in the amount of lipids in the patient’s blood. The condition can be both...
Maida (Ex. Editor)
2 min read

8 Supplements to Help Manage Diabetes

Vitamin and herbal supplements have long been marketed as healthier, natural alternatives to medication, which has continued to resonate with sufferers of chronic conditions...
Maida (Ex. Editor)
2 min read

Being Cardio Diabetic: The Link Between Cardiovascular Disease and…

A chronic condition that is rapidly recruiting unsuspecting individuals into its ranks, diabetes is not just a disease in and of itself, but also...
Maida (Ex. Editor)
2 min read

4 Bedtime Snacks to Regulate Your Sugar Levels!

There is a misconception among the public in general and diabetes patients in particular that eating or snacking after 8 pm is not good...
Maida (Ex. Editor)
2 min read

Diabetic Foot: Is Amputation The Only Solution?

Diabetic foot as the name indicates is a condition of the foot found in diabetic patients. This condition involves formation of one or more...
Maida (Ex. Editor)
2 min read