
معدے کے السر کی علامات اور علاج

معدے کا السر معدے کی اندرونی جھلّی نما دیوار کے زخم کا دوسرا نام ہے۔ یہ زخم ہونے کی وجہ اس موٹی رطوبتی تہہ...
Habiba A. Khan
3 min read

Is Every Breast Lump Cancerous?

If you have discovered a breast lump, there is no need to assume right away that its cancerous. In fact, there are a plethora...
Habiba A. Khan
3 min read

The Importance of Good Bacteria and Why You Should…

The importance of good bacteria cannot be overstated, they serve numerous functions in the body. Here's just a few of the most important ones
Habiba A. Khan
2 min read

The Many Health Benefits of Cycling

There are numerous health benefits of cycling. It is one of the best exercises you can do. Here's our list of just a few...
Habiba A. Khan
3 min read

The Many Benefits Of Walking

Exercise is incredibly important for a healthy life and walking just happens to be an exercise almost anyone can do. Here are the benefits...
Habiba A. Khan
3 min read