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Health Forum

Asked for Male, 31 years

My vitamin B12 was 120 and Vitamin D was 4.7. I am taking vitamin injections and tablets from 1.5 months. Some days I feel great and some days I feel anxious without any reason. I also took escitalopram for 7 months and tapered slowly and it did help me, I had severe depression and anxiety at that time. Is my anxiety and depression not going away or my body is adjusting from vitamin deficiency? How much time does it take to fully adjust on vitamins?

Asked for Male, 46 years

I suffered stroke on 6 Aug 2015. I felt that the blood thinning medicine was causing some burning sensation in stomach which still continues. It's been several months since last tests. I have recently returned to Pakistan. Which tests should I take here? Sometimes i feel sudden vibrations on veins in various locations. Severe headaches. What medicines should I continue to take? What is the best possible way out?

Asked for Female, 31 years

I am nine weeks pregnant. I have never had cyst in my life but during pregnancy my u/s seems to show a cyst in my left ovary. Why did it happen and how is it going to effect my pregnancy? Is it dangerous for my health?

Asked for Female, 49 years

Both my feet remain numb. my Uric acid level is normal but previously it was quiet high. Please suggest treatment or any remedy.

Asked for Female, 36 years

I am currently 22 weeks pregnant. I have been having bleeding from nose from the last two days. Within 2 days, it has happened 5 times. I would like to specify that I have a history of low blood pressure and blood sugar. I thought may be it’s because of high blood pressure. I have been monitoring myself regularly but the results are nothing but normal. Would just like to know if I should seek medical attention or is it normal?

Asked for Female, 41 years

I am currently 8 weeks pregnant and have gained 5kgs till now. I am so worried as i think it's not normal weight gain. How can I control this excessive weight gain??

Asked for Female, 36 years

I wanna ask a nutritionist regarding hydroxil .. Is it safe to use ?? Or does it have side effects ??

Asked for Male, 54 years

I am suffering from localized tenderness in scalp. I also have left thigh numbness. My doctor diagnosed mild meralgia paresthetica. He prescribed Lyrica 75mg, but I did not take due to dizziness and drowsiness. Ihave pain under the skin of the scalp. My glucose level in fasting and random are 75 and 105. My all tests are normal. cholesterol is 200 and vitamin B12 is 180. I had only one episode of migraine. I had left-sided dull continuous pain on the scalp that eased after rest 5 years ago. Help

Asked for Male, 61 years

My blood pressure is high. Can I reduce my blood pressure from 146/95 mmHg to normal, just with regular exercises? I started working out at the gym for an hour, both in the mornings as well as in the evenings, since the last two days. Do I still need to continue my medications?

Asked for Female, 32 years

I was prescribed acdermin gel for facial acne and have been using for a week. The acne has improved but the areas on the face where I applied the gel look slightly pigmented with burning and itching. Will this subside on its own? I am traveling so can’t really see my doc at the moment.

Asked for Female, 29 years

I have always suffered from migraines. Recently, it seems like it has been getting worse. Last year, I gave birth. Now, when I lay on my abdomen or even turn my head, I notice a heartbeat sound in my ear. My doctor thought it was coming from my neck and sent me for physiotherapy. And, she checked my ears, but there was no wax. Should I be worried about a possible hearing loss? What should I do?

Asked for Male, 29 years

I have mild asthma and use a reliever. Recently I am having a toothache in my two teeth. Can I use Ibuprofen or is it contradictory with my reliever?

Asked for Female, 22 years

My daughter yesterday told of a really bad headache and blurred vision with numbness in her arm. I gave her Brufen, she vomited after and said she felt better. Today she said it was even worse. I took her to Hospital. After arriving she had a numb arm and right side of face. She could not talk properly.They gave CODEINE PLUS. The nurse asked her questions and she was not able to answer them properly. She seemed confused. they diagnosd her viral sinusitis. i fear it may be wrong. Please help

Asked for Female, 17 years

Asking for my daughter 11 years old. Her ankles, knees, and wrists get swollen out of no reason. Is this just growing pains or something else? Please guide.

Asked for Male, 45 years

I am a programmer, and I use the computer for 12 hours every day. My eyes start hurting after 30 minutes of staring at the computer. I do not have any vision issues, apart from the pain that I feel. Please guide

Asked for Male, 15 years

Hi. My son is 9 years old. He has really bad breath issues. there is no oral health problem it seems like smell comes from the stomach. approached many doctors..they say he is fine. and didn't recommend any test.problem is embarrassing for him in school and friends. I gave him light food for a day or two and smell decreased. Please advise me what can be the issue? I'm really worried. Is it a food allergy or what?

Asked for Female, 35 years

Aoa. I have this type of infection on my hand and my husband has on the arm. Don't know what type of allergy because we also have itching a lot. Suggest something for this. Thnks in advance

Asked for Female, 33 years

I got conjunctivitis from last 6 days. using eye drops FML moxigan, and tears plus. The specialist recommended me to use it for 10 days. today is day 3 of using these medicines. otherwise, from last 6 days, I am into it. I wanna know is it take too long to cure? Is it harmful to me that I am not curing?

Asked for Female, 37 years

I have this infection in my ear lobe piercing. its not newly pierced and it was fine since years. This problem started 4-5 months ago and I have tried polyfax but it is not healing. please help.

Asked for Female, 34 years

Assalamoalaikum. I'm the mother of a 7 months old baby, hypothyroid pt(level are maintained 0.4 TSH last November). Dry skin issue. Using pears soap and johnsons baby cream but of no means, area around the nose become red and having burning sensation also have a fine line and dark circles, please suggest treatment.

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