Dr. Hira Tanveer is a General Physician with 3 years of experience currently practicing at Online Consultation, Lahore. You can call our helpline 04238900939 for more information.
Dr. Hira Tanveer has over 3 years of experience in her field.
Dr. Hira Tanveer has the following qualifications:
Appointment Details
In order to book an appointment with Dr. Hira Tanveer you can call 04238900939 or click the Book Appointment button.
Practice Locations
Dr. Hira Tanveer is currently practicing at the following locations:
- Online Consultation
- Days: M, Tu, W, Th, F
- Time: 09:00 AM - 09:00 PM
Dr. Hira Tanveer loves to write on healthcare to raise awareness about general healthcare issues in Pakistan and advise patients on healthy living. If you wish to read his healthcare articles and advice, please visit the following links: Keep Smiling: The Importance Of Regular DentalVisits, Get Your Z’s: How Sleep Deprivation Affects The Body, The Dangers Of Not Taking Your Medication As Prescribed- And How To Fix It, 9 Months Later: A Comprehensive Guide to Postpartum Care , Give Your Health A Boost: The Best Times for Drinking Water Everyday ,