Sir fluster, nervous, heartbeat, anxiety is to me plz treatment to me with medicine
My daughter has a lice problem on her head . We have used coopex but it is not working . How can i clean or kill this parsite from her head
My daughter is a very hairy child and has excessive hair growth on her face and her entire body. I am really concerned. My question is what can I do to lessen her hair growth and get rid of these permanently?
My son is suffering from chicken pox and today is the first day of it. My doctor says that he is allowed to eat anything he wants but my family is concerned that he shouldn't be given anything that is fried etc. My question is, is there anything that I should not give him to eat? Are there any specific meals that he should refrain from?
I have pain in the ear from today afternoon. I do not have any liquid discharge from the ear, but the pain is increasing with passing time. At night, the pain is very intense. I can hear all voices clearly, but my ear is paining a lot. I do not understand the reason for the pain, as I have never experienced such pain in my life. What is the reason behind this tremendous pain? Is it an emergency?
My husband has migraine problem and he usually suffers from migraine 2 or 3 times in a week which may last for one or two days. The reason of migraine is still unpredictable as it occurs at any moment while eating, driving, working or after waking up in the morning. His diet is proper and usually prefers home made food. Kindly recommend me some home remedies or should we consult with any doctor. Let us know any good doctor in Karachi who treats migraine problem?
I am almost 7 and half months pregnant and have no complications so far. I have some important commitments that I need to be present for and so I have to travel. My concern is that can I travel in the 8th month of my pregnancy?
I am having pain in my right side lower back only if I bend or try to wear my trouser. Also, it is there if I am standing and trying to raise my leg. Even while walking I feel little pain. If I lie in bed or stand straight, then there is no pain. not ache with coughing or sneezing. It pains a lot if I sit cross leg, getting up from bed without support and pulling my right leg up while standing. Pain is getting worse day by day. What is the reason and what medicine can I take?
For the last few weeks i have back pain between my shoulder blades. I also have a sharp, tearing chest pain above my left breast area or along my sternum on my right side. The sharp pain lasts a few minutes, then stop. At times, it spreads to my shoulder. When it happens, my pulse and blood pressure increase for a few minutes and I feel shortness of breath. What could this be?
I am suffering from Vaginal yeast infection, hair fall and sudden acne. My doctor has been prescribing me with some gyno creams and it heals the infection but doesn't cure hairfall or acne. It happens every 4 to 5 months. All these problems occur side by side. What is the reason of all this and how can it be cured permanently?
I am facing two problems since two months. I feel there is something hanging inside my throat, and second is continuous belching throughout the day, these problems are making me extremely worried. Can anyone suggest me what should I do and what are the reasons of excessive belching?
I need to ask about my son's vaccine. Due to some health issue we have postponed his vaccine of 24 months. My question is that he is having egg/peanut allergy and had severe hives too but now it is much better. Can we give him 24 months of Vaccine now?
My mother is having Fibroids in uterus. A doctor recommended surgery for removal of uterus and the other one recommended DNC! It’s confusing. Any advice from gynae here?
My mother has mild arthritis in left knee. Intense pain in her both calves at the entire length including the right one which don't have arthritis. While she is having difficulty in movement and can't sit wait for long, we can't get her to clinic currently, so any home based remedy, exercise, or anything to manage the pain to some extent, except pain killers? And if possible any prolonged natural treatment or exercises? Will physiotherapy methods like ultrasound waves, infrared etc work?
My mother is a diabetic and high blood pressure patient. From the last 3 days he has a tickling feeling in her entire body. Why is it happening? What tests should be conducted on her? Kindly, guide me through.
My baby girl was born perfectly normal but on the 8th day she got typhoid. Now she is 7 months old, but looks like a ten days baby. My doctor says that her mental growth is too weak. I have to ask is there any treatment for such babies?
My son grinds his teeth frequently without any reason, and he gets angry if we try to help him fix things like wearing cloth. He bites us for small reasons, and cries and shows stubbornness. His communication skill is poor, as he talks in broken sentence. He shows stubbornness and throws tantrums.He likes to play with other children but sometimes throws toys at them as well. He is very smart. He learns to do things by himself and is overactive.
I suffered from measles 3 months back so I was admitted to the hospital for 14 days. After my discharge I had been going through massive hair fall problems. Locks of hair fall off when I run my fingers through my hair. My question is when will this stop and what could be done to stop this? How much time will it take to recover my hair fall?
I am facing polyneuropathy due to hypothyroidism. My TSH report my TSH serum was 28, then doctor give me thyroxin 50 mg. After taking one month medicine now i repeated my TSh test and now it is only 8. My doctor advised me to increase dose from 50 mg to 75 mg thyroxin now. I was thinking may be now the doctor will reduce dose but he increase my dose. Why it is so? And is the doctor guiding me properly?
I got my Vitamin D3 tested and the result is in 9ng which I believe is too low. My thyroid doctor suggested to take an injection of 30K. But I have read that oral consumption in stages has better results rather than just getting an injection once. I need suggestions on what is better? If decide to go for the oral consumption what kind of supplements should I get?