Diet and Nutrition

Saunf Water: Benefits, Uses, Side Effects & More

Saunf water (fennel water) is considered to be an incredibly healthy beverage with several potential health benefits. This drink is made from fennel seeds,...
Abdul Rehman
3 min read

گوند کتیرا کے حیرت انگیز فوائد جانئے – Gond…

ایک کھانے کے قابل گم کا نام ہے جو عام طور پر مشرق وسطی کے علاقے میں پایا جاتا ہے۔ Gond Katira گوند کتیرا گم...
Abdul Rehman
3 min read

Rosemary in Urdu – 10 Incredible Rosemary Benefits (روزمیری)

Rosemary (روزمیری), known as “Akleel Kohistani” in Urdu, is an aromatic herb used in a variety of dishes and cuisines to enhance flavor. It...
Abdul Rehman
4 min read

Health Benefits and Side Effects of Turmeric Ginger Tea

Turmeric is a popular ingredient in Pakistan and India due to its numerous uses in culinary dishes and its amazing health benefits. Similarly, ginger...
Abdul Rehman
5 min read

Are Momos Healthy? Benefits and Risks

Momos are popular and delicious dumplings, which are originally from Tibet. They have become famous across various parts of Asia, especially in Nepal, India,...
Abdul Rehman
5 min read

Is Brown Bread Healthy? Health Benefits and Risks

In today’s fitness-conscious world, food choices are changing rapidly. Brown bread has taken center stage in discussions about healthier alternatives to white bread. It...
Abdul Rehman
5 min read

Beetroot (Chukandar): Benefits & Side Effects

Beetroot, famously known as Chukandar in South Asian countries, is a root vegetable with many benefits. It is known for having a vibrant color...
Abdul Rehman
5 min read

Top 10 Health Benefits Of Watermelon

Don’t you feel relaxed when you take a slice of watermelon on a hot day? Watermelon with sweet and juicy flesh provides instant refreshment...
Abdul Rehman
5 min read

Lychee Benefits: 8 Reasons To Enjoy Litchi Fruit!

It’s officially lychee season and can be hard to resist, even more so as it has many benefits you may not be aware of....
Abdul Rehman
5 min read