Diet and Nutrition

The Best And Worst Foods For Your Immunity

Are you getting sick often? It can be a sign of low immunity. Your immune system is your body’s natural defense mechanism that wards...
Abdul Rehman
5 min read

The Impact of Good Nutrition During Pregnancy on Mother…

Pregnancy is an important phase in a woman’s life where a lot of emphasis needs to be placed on dietary needs for the sake...
Abdul Rehman
2 min read

12 Amazing Munakka Benefits in Urdu For Health

منکا، جسے سیاہ کشمش بھی کہا جاتا ہے، ایک خشک میوہ ہے جس میں آپ کی صحت کے لیے بہت سے فوائد ہیں۔ یہ...
Abdul Rehman
5 min read

Sattu Drink Benefits: A Powder Full Of Wellness!

Are you looking for a refreshing summer drink to beat the heat? Have you heard about the mighty superfood known as Sattu? Sattu is...
Abdul Rehman
5 min read

9 Powerful Health Benefits of Chamomile Tea!

Do you drink chamomile tea often due to its calming nature? Well, you are not alone! Chamomile tea is known around the world for...
Abdul Rehman
8 min read

Natural Ways To Lower Cholesterol And Triglycerides

High cholesterol and triglycerides can significantly increase the risk of heart disease, but there are natural ways to manage these levels effectively. This article...
Abdul Rehman
2 min read

12 Body Cooling Foods For Summers!

When temperatures are soaring, you should fill up your plate with body cooling foods, especially seasonal produce. You should eat more of the fruit...
Maida (Ex. Editor)
3 min read

Is Prime Energy Drink Good Or Bad For You?

Prime energy drinks provide a quick and temporary boost in physical and mental alertness. It typically contains ingredients, such as caffeine, vitamins, amino acids,...
Abdul Rehman
5 min read

آملہ کے 9 بہترین فوائد

آملہ کے بے شمار فائدے ہیں جو ہم اس آرٹیکل میں آپ کو بتائیں گے۔ آملہ میں چینی کی مقدار کم ہوتی ہے اور...
Abdul Rehman
5 min read