Diet and Nutrition

مصری کے 12 شاندار فوائد

مصری عام طور پر راک شوگر کے نام سے جانی جاتی ہے جسے کئی طبی ادویات میں بھی شامل کیا جاتا ہے۔ مصری کے...
Abdul Rehman
5 min read

Nourishing the Mind: The Vital Connection Between Nutrition and…

In the bustling streets of Pakistan, where aromatic spices blend with the aroma of street food. In Pakistan, where culture and cuisine are intertwined,...
Abdul Rehman
1 min read

How To Stop Binge Eating For A Healthier You

Binge refers to a pattern of excessive and indulgent consumption of a particular activity, substance, or content in a relatively short period. This term...
Abdul Rehman
5 min read

­­­12 Research-Backed Olive Oil Benefits For Your Health

It is amazing to learn that a very tasty food has such great health benefits for you, and olive oil is one of these....
Abdul Rehman
3 min read

Honey With Warm Water Benefits & Side Effects

Discover surprising honey with warm water benefits which you didn’t know about! Honey has long been treasured as a component in traditional remedies passed...
Abdul Rehman
5 min read

Chiku Benefits: 14 Reasons To Eat Sapodilla

People have admired Chikoo fruit, also called Sapodilla, for centuries, because of its delicious flavour and numerous health advantages. This tropical fruit, which comes...
Abdul Rehman
5 min read

10 Serious Side Effects Of Turmeric

Turmeric, a spice known for its color and a rich historical background spanning centuries, has long been valued in traditional medicine and culinary traditions...
Abdul Rehman
4 min read

Break The Barriers! Change Your Lifestyle

The prevalence of unhealthy lifestyles in today’s society has led to a drastic increase in health concerns among people of all ages and genders....
Abdul Rehman
2 min read

کریلے کے ایسے زبردست فوائد جو آپ کو حیران…

کریلا اگرچہ ذائقہ میں کڑوا ہوتا ہے لیکن یہ ضروری غذائی اجزاء سے بھرپور ہوتا ہے۔ کریلا وٹامن، فولیٹ، زنک، میگنیشیم، مینگنیج، فاسفورس کا...
Abdul Rehman
4 min read