Healthy Lifestyle

ڈیپریشن کی نشانیاں اور علاج

ڈیپریشن کیا ہے؟ ڈیپریشن ایک ذہنی کیفیّت کا نام ہے میں خود کو بے بس اور کچھ بھی نہ کرسکنے کے قابل سمجھنا ڈیپریشن...
Habiba A. Khan
4 min read

How Air Pollution Is Leading To Respiratory Problems

Outdoor air pollution in Pakistan has become a major threat to global public health. Air now contains high concentrations of pollutant gases such as...
Habiba A. Khan
1 min read

بلڈ پریشر کو کنٹرول کرنے کے طریقے

خون کا دباؤ یا بلڈ پریشر(Blood Pressure) جسے مختصراً بی پی (B.P) بھی کہتے ہیں اس دباؤ کا نام ہے جس کا سامنا دل...
Habiba A. Khan
3 min read

معدے کے السر کی علامات اور علاج

معدے کا السر معدے کی اندرونی جھلّی نما دیوار کے زخم کا دوسرا نام ہے۔ یہ زخم ہونے کی وجہ اس موٹی رطوبتی تہہ...
Habiba A. Khan
3 min read

New Study Reveals Diet as A Major Factor Affecting…

As is the case with being slim, being tall is considered a standard of beauty. People often desire that their kids grow up with...
Habiba A. Khan
3 min read

How to Deal With a Gambling Addiction

Gambling can morph from a fun, harmless activity to an unhealthy obsession and addiction in no time. Gambling addiction can have serios consequences, propagating...
Habiba A. Khan
3 min read

Trump’s Coronavirus Treatment: Everything You Should Know

Key Facts Dr. Sean Conley, the President’s physician and the man in charge of Trump’s coronavirus treatment, released a note on Friday afternoon that...
Habiba A. Khan
6 min read

Deepika’s Descent – Drug Use and Depression

The link between drug use and depression is a strong one and even Bollywood stars can fall victim to this viscous and destructive cycle
Habiba A. Khan
3 min read

The Importance of Good Bacteria and Why You Should…

The importance of good bacteria cannot be overstated, they serve numerous functions in the body. Here's just a few of the most important ones
Habiba A. Khan
2 min read