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Maca Root In Urdu (میکا جڑ): 5 Amazing Health…

People often prefer herbs and herbal supplements over medicinal treatments as they improve their health naturally. Maca root is one such incredible herb that...
Abdul Rehman
1 min read

6 Best Stomach-Friendly Foods for Ramadan

Are you having digestive issues during Ramadan? Are they making you uncomfortable during your fast? It is a common issue during Ramadan. The holy...
Abdul Rehman
5 min read

Nightfall (Wet Dreams): Causes and How To Stop

Nightfall or wet dreams are a natural phenomenon individuals go through as they hit puberty, and may continue to experience later as healthy adults....
Abdul Rehman
2 min read

اگر حمل ضائع ہو جائے تو کس طرح کا…

تقریباً ہر پانچ میں سے ایک حمل ضائع ہو تا ہے یعنی 02 فیصد عام طور یہ ابتدائی کچھ ہفتوں میںہوتا ہے یعنی 20...
Abdul Rehman
1 min read

The Most Effective Non-Surgical Aesthetic Procedures

The landscape of aesthetic procedures is constantly evolving as individuals seek safe and effective methods to enhance their appearance. From non-invasive treatments to surgical...
Abdul Rehman
7 min read

How to Clean Uterus After a Miscarriage Naturally at…

A miscarriage is the sudden loss of pregnancy occurring before 20 weeks gestation. If we look at the numbers, miscarriages are relatively common. According...
Abdul Rehman
6 min read