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Lifestyle Changes You Can Make To Prevent Heart Diseases

The heart is a vital organ of the human body and life cannot sustain without it. The heart requires a healthy lifestyle in order...
Maida (Ex. Editor)
3 min read

Not A Psycho: Things That People With Mental Health…

The brain is a highly impressionable organ; it adapts to whatever it is exposed to over the long term. Just as Pavlov’s conditioned dogs...
Maida (Ex. Editor)
2 min read

Restoring The Balance: How To Naturally Heal Hypothyroidism

Due to the similarities between thyroid symptoms and those of various other conditions, and reliance on two basic blood tests for diagnosis, thyroid gland...
Maida (Ex. Editor)
2 min read

Heart 101: How Does Your Heart Work?

Heart is a vital organ of a human body. It is a hollow, cone-shaped muscle located between the lungs and behind the breastbone. Two-thirds...
Maida (Ex. Editor)
1 min read

The Battle Plan: Getting Through The 1st Trimester

According to gynecologists, for many women the first three months are no less than a minefield that tests their caution and survival instincts, which...
Maida (Ex. Editor)
2 min read

Flight Or Fight? Surprising Physical Symptoms Of Anxiety

When thinking of anxiety, the most common mental health problem in the world, the first thing that comes to mind is stuttering, hesitation, racing...
Maida (Ex. Editor)
2 min read