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Keeping Gum Disease Away: Your Guide To Healthy Gums

Since childhood, people are told how brushing your teeth twice a day is the key to perfect oral health. The truth is that it...
Maida (Ex. Editor)
3 min read

Diabetes: Introduction to the Biggest Epidemic in Pakistan

The causative agents for the non-communicable disease diabetes are so vast that it is not possible to pack them in a single article. This...
Maida (Ex. Editor)
3 min read

Tips For Calming A Crying Baby

Calming a crying baby is not an easy task and every baby is different in the way that every baby requires different soothing techniques...
Maida (Ex. Editor)
3 min read

How To Preserve That Beautiful Smile?

Who doesn’t want a beautiful smile? It not only adds to one’s charisma but is also a sign of health and fitness. Teeth play...
Maida (Ex. Editor)
2 min read

Oncology 101: What You Need To Know About Oncologists

With the prefix ‘Onco-’ meaning a ‘bulk, mass or tumor’, the word ‘oncology’ refers to the branch of medicine dealing with the prevention, diagnosis...
Maida (Ex. Editor)
2 min read

Should You Have Your Tonsils Removed?

Frequent in children and rare in adults, tonsil infections are often no more than a bad case of sore throat, sometimes requiring antibiotic treatment...
Maida (Ex. Editor)
3 min read